Monday, January 31, 2011

Internet Marketing Lessons

I’m really enjoying writing articles about internet marketing. I became an internet marketing expert (to a degree, of course) after learning my lessons online since 2007. I also have the knowledge for having an offline store since 1993.

I’m also a psychologist. I have studied the human behavior since I was a child because my father was schizophrenic. I had to fight against schizophrenia when I became an adult, otherwise I would become schizophrenic like him. Fortunately I found sound mental health and I’ve helped many people through dream therapy since 1990. This is a very interesting combination.

Now I can also help many people avoid wasting money online. This is necessary because many misconceptions about internet marketing keep misleading many internet users. I’m your protector.

Here are my last articles:

Do you want to learn how to make money online without spending any money?

Read more at:

Passive Income and Targeted Website Traffic through Squidoo

Christina Sponias


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