Monday, January 19, 2009

Your Own Business on The Internet

Things really seem to be much simpler on the internet, because you don’t have to work very hard. You don’t have problems transporting things and you don’t have to have them stored anywhere. You simply use your computer’s files, and everything is very simple.

However, when you try to have your own business on the internet, you have to be realistic and understand that things work online the same way they do offline in many aspects, too many as a matter of fact, while the simplicity of everything online makes you believe that “everything” is very simple, which is not true at all.

I have already showed you the difficulty of convincing your visitors to purchase your merchandise without having any personal contact with them and I have already talked about all the details of a site; everything you will have to care about and all your responsibilities when you are a business owner.

But I’m sure that you are still looking at the internet as if it was much simpler than it really is if you use it trying to make money selling something, or offering your services online.

This is why I want to prepare you before you put your feet on this field.

You have probably learned that you can have affiliates selling your products on your behalf for example, which will make things much easier for you.

However, if your products are new and nobody cares about them, you won’t find affiliates that will care about selling your merchandise online. Of course the affiliates want to find products that sell for sure, instead of wasting their time and energy with unknown ones…

And you’ll also realize that even those that decide to help you sell your things or promote your services, simply put a link on their site showing yours, and that’s it.

If you want to have active affiliates that will really promote your products you have to give them many incentives, besides a very high commission, and you have to teach them about your products, always be in contact with them, etc. Nothing is simple…

You have probably learned also about joint ventures, where you promote someone else’s products and they do the same for you.

However, you have to waste a lot of time looking for the ideal business partners. You will be able to build a joint venture with the sites that want to cooperate with you only after a lot of searching and after being quite disappointed with the attitude of many people on many sites…

You have probably also learned about the power of email messages to your subscribers. “The money is in the list!” This is a very common phrase on the internet.

However, if your email messages are not convincing and first of all, if the titles of your messages don’t convince your readers to open them, you’ll have many subscribers that simply subscribe but never read anything. Then they will unsubscribe, because they are receiving many messages that they never care about reading… New ones will appear and disappear the same way, while other subscribers will keep reading your messages once in a while, and the sales you were dreaming of will never happen, or will happen only after a very long time.

You’ll have to wait until you find the right people, until the people that care about what you offer will be ready to take action, and you’ll mainly have to work hard on an email campaign that will be convincing enough, otherwise you will spend a lot of time preparing and sending messages, without any positive results for a long time.

This is why I suggest you start finding jobs online, and learn how everything works this way, instead of following the various marketers that will only make you spend money with their ebooks and tele-seminars, while teaching you things that are not exactly as they show you they are. They want to convince you that “everything is very easy” on the internet, so that you may enter in this field and try to make money online.

Marketers want to sell. They are not your friends, they don’t care about the way you feel or your psychological problems. They also don’t care if you are frustrated in the end and never make any money. Of course, they prefer to see you succeeding so that they can sell you more, but if you don’t really succeed in the end, they won’t cry for you…

Look at your business online the same way you would look at it if it existed offline and you would have to face all the problems of the hard work outside the internet, because the difficulties you’ll have online are many, and you will only be able to learn the right lessons and really succeed in the end if you are very serious and cautious.

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